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Important Notice   Safety and hygiene protocol
Reserve: +52 612 175 0860   WhatsApp:   +52 612 219 3590

La Mansión del Sol Pet Policies

  • The charges per pet vary depending on their size. All rates are plus taxes.
  • Only one pet per room is allowed.
  • All pets must bring their own bed.
  • Without any exceptions, every pet must have its leash attached to the collar in all the areas of the property.
  • All pets must be under the supervision of an adult.
  • It is forbidden for pets to sleep on the room’s or hotel’s furnishings.
  • The pet can’t be alone in the room if the owner is not there.
  • Pets can’t be in the restaurant area or in areas pointed out by hotel Management.
  • Any damage caused by the pet is responsibility of its owner.
  • The space and tranquility of the other guests must be respected.
  • The pet’s hygiene is responsibility of its owner.
  • Please, be a responsible pet owner.


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Hotel La Mansión del Sol La Mansion del Sol Hotel